‘The Next Stage: New Potential & Adaptive Resilience’
11.30AM – 5.30PM (followed by sector party)
Value. Place. Practice. Diversity. Environment. Technology.
When our world shifts, how do we remain healthy and strong?
Join representatives from the theatre and broader performing arts sector as we explore new ways to continue making art in a troubled climate. Featuring keynote addresses, breakout sessions, networking activities and sector updates, the seventh annual Victorian Theatre Forum is designed to develop adaptive resilience and uncover new potential as we learn to embrace the changing role of culture, both locally and globally.
Willoh S. Weiland Trust & Valuing The Artist In The Marketplace
Alison Robb Here I Stand: Cultivating Personal Resilience In The Face Of Chaos
Click on the top left corner to move between videos
Here are some resources from Keynote Alison Robb, Adelaide University:
Alison Robb’s Presentation Slides VTF 2016
“Acceptance of thoughts and feelings” Meditation video on YouTube
11.30am – Registrations / Tea & Coffee
12pm – Session One:
Welcome To Country: Uncle Larry Walsh
Keynote – Willoh S. Weiland: ‘Trust & Valuing The Artist In The Marketplace’
12.45pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Session Two:
Sector Updates (Various Speakers)
In and Out
Keynote – Alison Robb: ‘Here I Stand: Cultivating Personal Resilience In The Face Of Chaos’.
2.55pm – Afternoon Tea
3.15pm – Session Three:
Talk: Group Breakout Sessions (Various Speakers)
Walk: ‘Out and About’ tours of North Melbourne (Various Artists)
4.20pm – Session Four:
New Faces
Responses and Pledges
5.30pm – Sector Party (DJ and cash bar)
Willoh S. Weiland, Aphids
Keynote: Trust & Valuing The Artist In The Marketplace
Willoh is an artist, writer, curator and the Artistic Director of Aphids. In 2015, Willoh won the prestigious ANTI Festival International Prize for Live Art (Finland). She has made work for the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the Next Wave Festival, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, the Centre for Contemporary Art in Glasgow. Residencies include an Asialink residency in Beijing, 2009 and Splendid Arts Lab and Visible City, Melbourne 2010. Willoh co-directs the laboratory space Head Quarters and is a member of the Field Theory.
Alison Robb, University of Adelaide
Keynote: Here I Stand: Cultivating Personal Resilience In The Face Of Chaos
Alison trained as a theatre director at the Flinders University Drama centre, working in the industry as a director, assistant director, stage manager and theatre technician. Alison is currently re-training as a clinical psychologist. Clinical interests include: mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy and schema therapy, as well as clinician self-care. She is combining this professional study with a qualitative PhD to investigate factors impacting psychological well-being of actors. She hopes to establish targeted support services for actors and other members of the performing arts industry.
Other speakers and facilitators include: Jacob Boehme (Melbourne Indigenous Arts Festival), Mija Gwyn (Deaf Arts Network), Meg Upton (Drama Educator & Researcher), Dr Richard Barber (Free Theatre), Steven Richardson (Creative Partnerships Australia), Jessica Wilson & Marcia Ferguson (Independents/Artistic Entrepreneurs), Veronica Pardo (Arts Access Victoria), John Smithies (Cultural Development Network), Sue Giles (ASSITEJ Australia), Simon Abrahams (Melbourne Fringe), Yuhui Ng-Rodriguez (Performance Maker/ ‘Out and About’ curator), Lorna Hannan (Local Elder), Byron Scullin & Robin Fox (Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio) and Dawn Weleski (Conflict Kitchen).
COST (includes lunch):
$27.50 Independents/Unfunded Orgs
$44.00 Small to Medium Companies
$66.00 Major Companies/Government/Universities
(We encourage delegates to join as a TNA member for 2016!)
The 2016 Victorian Theatre Forum is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program.
Image: 2015 Convergence: Independents’ Forum, Arts House. Photo Nicole Beyer.