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Home News & Media Arts Northern Rivers Dance & Physical Theatre: CATCH UP
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Arts Northern Rivers Dance & Physical Theatre: CATCH UP

TNA and Arts Northern Rivers are hosting a free Dance & Physical Theatre CATCH UP. CATCH UP is a response to the Independent Dance Sector Report, and ANR’s Dance Sector Uplift Report, which recommended strengthening relationships to revitalise and reactivate the sector. 

When: Tuesday, 1 October, 1:30 pm—4 pm AEST
Where: The Drill Hall Theatre, Mullumbimby

Our Co-CEO Joshua Lowe and Program Director Steph Speirs will share some of the findings and recommendations from both reports. Critical Path will be presenting on how they provide support for regionally based artists. NORPA will be providing an update on their programs for 2025 and beyond.  

Dance artists and organisations will have the opportunity to present ‘Firecracker’ updates on current works and practice.There will be group provocations for peer-to-peer discussions on some of the key recommendation from the reports, and time to reflect on personal and shared goals. 

Post session, we’ll be regrouping and continuing the conversation at the National Circus Festival, with the free bus ride supported by Spaghetti Circus. There’ll be a chance to grab dinner and catch the Trainers Program Cabaret.

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