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Home News & Media ArtsPeak calls for action on Senate Inquiry recommendations
ArtsPeak calls for action on Senate Inquiry recommendations

ArtsPeak’s latest media release calls for the Government to act on the 13 Senate Inquiry recommendations, as outlined in the December 2015 Report. The Government is expected to respond to Senate Reports within three months, so it is now time for a response.

The media release states that ArtsPeak urges the government to act on the first two recommendations in particular:

  • Recommendation 1
    5.8 The committee recommends that the government develop and articulate,
    in consultation with the arts sector, a coherent and clear arts policy, including
    priorities for arts funding supported by evidence-based analysis, and greater
    clarity about the respective roles of the Ministry for the Arts and the Australia
    Council, as well as the other statutory arts bodies.
  • Recommendation 2
    5.15 The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government restore
    to the Australia Council the full amount of funds diverted from it in the 2014
    MYEFO and 2015 Budget, ensuring it has the level of resourcing identified as
    necessary to implement in full its 2014 strategic plan over the current financial
    year and the four-year forward estimates.

Anything you can do to raise awareness of the recommendations with your local MP would be greatly appreciated. And please continue to use #freethearts in your social media to keep attention on the issue as we head towards the Turnbull government’s first budget in May. We need to secure the future funding of the Australia Council for the Arts.

Read the ArtsPeak media release.


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