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SMASH Indie Bursary 2019

Alex Desebrock – winner of the 2019 TNA SMASH Bursary for Independents

We are thrilled to announce that the 2019 SMASH bursary will be awarded to Alex Desebrock.

Alex is the director of her own Independent Company called Maybe ( ) Together, working primarily in the area of theatre for young audiences, and she is based in Perth, WA. As well as her company, she runs a semi-regular gathering for independent artists in the Perth region, called Flock, and has undertaken advocacy on behalf of her peers, for example a version of the UK artist Bryonny Kimmings, You Show Me Yours, sharing information about earnings and conditions in the independent performing arts. Alex has been a long-time, active member of TNA and regular participant at TNA gatherings.

This award acknowledges the many unpaid hours she spends, not only in her own artistic work, but in the pursuit of a fairer sector for independent artists, the most vulnerable part of the sector. We hope it might inspire her to keep up her work and continue to mentor the next generation of independent leaders such as herself.

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