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TNA ANZSCO Round 4 Consultation Submission

The Australian Bureau of Statistics are reviewing ANZSCO, the list of occupations we have in Australia and NZ, which is used in the census and to measure and understand labour markets.

TNA made a submission late last year in the last round of consultations. From this we have had a few wins for the sector including the addition of Circus Performer or Trainer, Stage Producer, and Audio or Stage Director, as a new occupations. Arts Therapist, and Arts and Personal Enrichment Teachers (Private Tuition) have also been added.

The ABS have now invited stakeholders to make submissions in response to a the recently proposed draft classifications. From this TNA in partnership with other peak bodies have identified a number of issues that need addressing, including incorrectly named and/or defined occupations, confusing and inconsistent terminology, and some cases where occupations have been inadvertently removed.

Read TNA’s 2024 submission here.

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