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TNA’s 2025-26 Federal Pre-Budget Submission

TNA’s 2025-26 Federal Pre-Budget Submission makes several recommendations to the Federal Government for strategic investment and tax reform to support the performing arts sector. 

Our recommendations if implemented will work towards putting more money in the pockets of creatives and arts workers and provide much needed support for regional touring, and children and young people.

  • Recommendation 1: Tax reform to incentivise giving and alleviate financial stress for creatives
    • Introduce tax exemption for income earned from arts grants and fellowships 
    • Commission a review to extend PBI status to a broader range of arts and cultural organisations
  • Recommendation 2: Support for national touring, exchange, and regional development
    • Double the current investment in Creative Australia’s Playing Australia program
  • Recommendation 3: Support for children, young people and the arts
    • An arts access subsidy program for schools modelled on the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER).
    • A pilot program for a national Creative Schools program modelled on Sporting Schools
    • Reinstate Creative Australia’s ArtStart program

Read TNA’s submission in full.

Pre-budget Submissions are open until January 31st, and anyone is welcome to make a submission to share their views regarding priorities for the 2025–26 Budget. TNA encourages you to use our submission to support your own. 

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