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TNV E-News December 2010

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Australian Theatre Forum welcomes Fiona Winning as Curator of the 2011 Forum. The ATF 2011 Committee is pleased to announce that Fiona Winning will take the role of Curator for the 2011 Forum. Fiona is a writer and producer, now independent after nearly a decade at the helm of Performance Space. Fiona has conceived and produced events in theatres, galleries and public spaces – collaborating with artists and communities. She was instrumental in negotiating the development of the CarriageWorks contemporary arts space in Redfern. Fiona will begin the job of driving and enabling the curatorial vision for the 2011 Forum early in the new year. We are also moving the dates of the forum a week earlier – the forum will now run from Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th September, 2011.

Women Directors’ Forum Report Available – ‘Creating Change’ September 2010 The AWDA ‘Creating Change’ Forum, held at the Arts Centre on the 10th and 11th September, 2010, was convened by Melanie Beddie, Lucy Freeman, Petra Kalive and Jane Woollard and was supported by The Office of Women’s Policy and the Arts Centre. The Forum presented a model for thinking about social change in a dynamic and energetic way. Women directors claimed their legacy, their role as leaders in the theatre profession, and their commitment to supporting one another as we work towards greater diversity in our profession. The report is now available to download from

Theatre Blog to watch…No Plain Jane Blogger Jane Howard undertakes an analysis of Australian Theatre in 2011 through the Major Performing Arts Group theatre companies.

TheatreSpace Symposium Dates Set – 14 –16 November 2011, Sydney Opera House The major findings of the TheatreSpace study, a research project that focuses on young audiences’ experience of live theatre, will be launched at the TheatreSpace Symposium. This forum will be the first of its kind to incorporate theatre companies, arts venue management, educational providers and young theatregoers. The event will also host international presenters and convene panels made up of performing arts industry members, teachers and young people involved in the research. I

National Dance Forum 19-20 March 2011 – Visit for the announcement of the Forum faciltator and keynote speakers, and online registration.  More detailed program information will be coming soon, and registration for individual sessions will be called for in the lead up to the event. The National Dance Forum is a partnership of Ausdance National and the Australia Council for the Arts.

While you have your 2011 diaries out…

APACA/Long Paddock/Marketing Summit dates are set: 29 Aug to 2 Sept, in Perth. Mon-Tues Australia Council Marketing Summit; Tues-Wed APACA Conference; Thur-Fri Long Paddock.

Adelaide Fringe ‘Honey Pot’ Program – Registrations close on Friday, 10 Dec 2010. Honey Pot is Adelaide Fringe’s way of supporting presenters, producers and programmers during their visit to the Adelaide Fringe to ensure they have the richest and most rewarding experience possible.

NEW! Australia Council Emerging Leaders Development Program –27 April to 1 May 2011. Applications close 10 December 2010 The Australia Council has identified a need for a dedicated leadership development program for senior arts managers in Australia and will be offering this new intensive program for three years, in each of 2011–13. The ELDP is a five day residential workshop followed by a period of mentoring by a respected senior executive. 27 April to 1 May 2011 at the Sydney Conference and Training Centre, Ingleside. The program is limited to 20 participants.

Western Australia welcomes a new Chamber of Arts and Culture – “a not-for-profit organisation that aims to bring the WA arts sector together to debate, discuss and to take action as a collective on the major issues that impact the sector”. Business leaders have joined forces with the arts sector to form Australia’s first Chamber of Arts and Culture. Founding members are head of Rio Tinto Sam Walsh; arts patron and businesswoman Janet Holmes a Court; former WA Chamber of Commerce John Langoulant; KPMG head Helen Cook; and former Australia Council chair Margaret Seares. Seven elected members have been drawn from the arts: Jude van der Merwe, the former Chair of the WA Arts Federation and Artsource Executive Director; Jane King, Executive Officer, Museums Australia; Mark Bin Bakar, indigenous culture and arts advocate; Cathcart Weatherly, General Manager, Spare Parts Puppet Theatre; Pilar Kasat, Managing Director, Community Arts Network WA; Graeme Sward, General Manager, Film & Television Institute; Barry Strickland, arts consultant, writer and researcher and former ABC Radio National Broadcaster.


Melbourne Writers Theatre News – New AD and seeking submissions.Following the success of Melbourne Writers’ Theatre recent season, MelBorn reBorn 2010, playwright Christine Croyden has been appointed Artistic Director of MWT. Submissions for MelBorn 2011 will be sought in February. All plays will be selected for the season by an independent and established dramaturge.

Verve – Knowledge and Skills’ is now ‘SkillsHub. Creative + Leisure Industries Council’ The new name and brand more closely reflect the organisation’s core strengths in connecting Victoria’s creative and leisure industries with skills and workforce development opportunities. SkillsHub will continue to lead Victoria’s creative and leisure industries, providing clear and targeted advice on skills development and vocational education and training..

VicHealth – MOTION arts and new media grants program EOI closes 20 December. Do you want to make art that moves people? VicHealth is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from arts organisations, and those currently providing arts activities within the community, to participate in the new MOTION program. Up to $75k available per applicant to assist in building health through arts and new media.


ITC – Contracts, Rates of Pay, and other useful stuff… The UK’s Independent Theatre Council (the management association and industry lead body for performing arts organisations and individuals) has a great Advice and Info section, with sample contracts, rates of pay, co-productions etc.

Keeping Your Board Engaged for Your Cause – GuideStar USA “As 2010 winds down, I wanted to answer a question that came up several times in response to my GuideStar Newsletter articles this year: How do I keep my board engaged? Particularly if it’s a statewide or national board? This is a question I get all the time. Everyone wants their board to be engaged, but …What do you really mean when you say an engaged board? Do you want your board members to be just paying attention? Or do you want something more?” by Gail Perry, MBA, CFRE.

Have a safe and happy holiday season, and see you in the New Year. The TNV office will be closed for all of January.

Regards, Nicole


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