Now is the time to support TNV!
If you are not yet a member of TNV but you see value in the e-news and our other work, including advocating for the small to medium and independent sector – do consider joining up as a financial member. Right now we need your support! You can also donate to our public fund – donations are tax deductible.
Australian Theatre Forum 2015 – More Audio Podcasts now online.
We have now uploaded more audio podcasts from January’s ATF2015: Making It. Why not listen to one in your lunch-break, such as ‘Company in Conversation: David Williams with Frederick Copperwaite, Andrea James, Lily Shearer and Liza-Mare Syron from Moogahlin Performing Arts’. Listen here.
#Free The Arts – ArtsPeak calls for Senate Inquiry…and Labor will move to establish it.
ArtsPeak – the confederation of national peak arts organisations including TNV – has released a Public Statement calling for a Senate Inquiry into Brandis’ decision to strip funds from the Australia Council for the Arts in order to establish a new National Programme for Excellence in the Arts. Labor will move to establish the inquiry when Parliament sits next week. Read the statement from The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP here.
#FreeTheArts – Video Recap of the National Dance Action on Friday 22 May
Thank you to everyone who gathered together in various locations around the country for the National Dance Action on Friday 22 May. A video summary of the rallies is now online. Watch here.
18 Jun – #FreeTheArts – National Meeting in Canberra
On Thursday 18th June, a delegation led by former Australia Council CEOs and representatives from the arts and cultural sector will meet at Parliament House, Canberra to formally seek binding commitments from all political parties guaranteeing the future security and viability of the Australia Council. The gathering will be streamed nationally. To nominate yourself or someone else to join the Canberra delegation, please email:
If you can’t make it to Canberra next week: – #FreeTheArts Facebook Group: Join now to stay informed about upcoming events and actions. – Sign the petition and share it with your audiences – we need all audiences to engage with this! – #holdontoarts: Join this creative action by taking a photo and sharing on instagram.
14 Jun – Deadline to submit productions for National Touring Selector 2016/17 Round
The National Touring Selector (NTS) is a networking database for the performing arts industry assisting with the selection of productions for various marketplaces or via online selection rounds. Production submissions are now open for an online NTS Round for tours in 2016-17, ahead of the September funding round for Australia Council’s Regional Performing Arts Touring (Playing Australia) grants. Production subsmission close Sunday 14 June. Find out more.
1 Jul – Applications now open for the 2016 VCE Drama and Theatre Studies Playlist
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is calling for individuals and companies across Australia to submit works for the 2016 VCE Drama and Theatre Studies Playlist. This is your chance to play a part in senior secondary Drama and Theatre education. Application deadline is Wednesday 1 July. For a copy of the 2016 Playlist Application form
14 Jun – Travel Bursaries available for the 2015 National Experimental Arts Forum (NEAF)
On behalf of the Australia Council for the Arts, SymbioticA will present the second NEAF on 5 & 6 October in Perth, bringing together experimental artists, producers and others experimenting with the arts. Travel bursaries of $1000 are now available to help artists cover the cost of flights, accommodation, per diems and Forum registration fees. Register for NEAF |Travel bursary info.
Creative Partnerships Australia – Free coaching and mentoring for arts organisations
CPA supports arts organisations around Australia to develop fundraising skills, connect with donors and establish successful business partnerships. The Coaching and Mentoring program, delivered by the CPA’s experienced State Managers, provides free, tailored, one-on-one advice based on your organisation’s needs and goals. Click here to book an appointment with your State Manager.
18 Jun – Creating Australia Webinar – Community Arts and Cultural Development $35
With more arts organisations looking to engage their communities through artistic practice, this webinar will explore and discuss what effective community engagement looks like. The panel will also provide resources that will help you develop and evaluate your own CACD project. The webinar is 1pm – 2pm on Thursday 18 June. Registrations and more info here.
15 Jun – Applications for the City of Melbourne’s 2016 Arts Grants Program close
Aligning with Council’s goal to be ‘A Creative City’, City of Melbourne’s annual Arts Grants Program offers anyone with a great idea and an artistic outcome in the City of Melbourne, the opportunity to apply for funding. Grants are available for support towards arts projects or activities, in any art form or practice that takes place in the City of Melbourne within the 2016 calendar year.More info.
Artist Call Out – Lucy Guerin Inc. is looking for artists to show at First Run 2015
First Run is a studio program presented at Lucy Guerin Inc, West Melbourne. Scheduled for July, Sept and Nov this year, each evening will feature two artists sharing 10–15 minutes of their initial draft ideas, works in progress, or the development of an ongoing practice. Find out more here.
17 Jun – Arts Sector Presentation and Q&A with Jonathan Holloway – FREE
Join Jonathan Holloway, Artistic Director Designate of Melbourne Festival 2016 onwards, for a presentation and Q&A session about our arts sector. Wed 17 June 5pm for a 5.30pm start, The Coopers Malthouse, Southbank. Book your place here.
19 June – St Martins Youth Arts Centre – Salon #2: Art with an Inclusive Heart – FREE
The second salon in this series will explore how to best engage with children and young people from diverse cultural backgrounds when the arts sector is predominantly white and middleclass. Join the discussion with experienced theatre makers Dave Nguyen, Kate Gillick, Irine Vela and special guests. 10am – 1pm Fri 19 June at St Martins, South Yarra. RSVP here by 12 June.
$150K for feasibility study for the development of a House of World Cultures in Melbourne
Multicultural Arts Victoria has announced a $150k commitment from the Andrews Government to conduct a feasability study into a House of World Cultures (HoWC) – an exciting place for exploration, dialogue and intercultural activity. The HoWC will be a permanent creative cultural hub on Princes Pier that will honour and celebrate Victoria’s rich history of migration and our current multicultural community in an immersive, multisensory way.Read the HoWC proposal.
1 Jul – Applications for Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) 2016 closing soon
APAM is Australia’s leading, internationally-focused industry event for contemporary performing arts, showcasing a diverse national sector and stimulating exchange between local artists and their international counterparts. APAM 2016 will be held in Brisbane from 22 – 26 February. Program applications close on Monday 1 July. Find out more here.
28 Aug – IETM Asian Satellite Meeting in Gwangju & Caravan in Seoul, 7 – 12 Sep 2015
IETM – the international network for contemporary performing arts – will hold Satellite Meetings in South Korea this September. Asian contemporary culture remains an attractive domain as well as a source of enrichment, inspiration and far-reaching connections. Attend the IETM Asia Satellite in Gwangju (7-9 Sept), and experience the local world of cutting edge performing arts at the Caravan in Seoul (10-12 Sept). Apps close 28 Aug 2015. Read more here.
2016 ISPA Congresses – Save the Date!
Twice a year, the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) holds congresses that bring together performing arts leaders to discover the next great idea, strengthen relationships, and rejuvenate their passion for the arts. Upcoming congress dates and locations include New York City, 12 – 14 January 2016 and Melbourne, 30 May – 4 June 2016. Read more here.
IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting, Budapest, 5 – 8 November 2015
‘Democracy’ will be the main theme of the next IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting. Cultural professionals from Europe and beyond will reveal and share their urge for making the voice of the independent arts heard and freedoms and rights respected. The Budapest Meeting, 5-8 November 2015, will use an open space format, boosting the interactive role of the participant. More info.
- Wesley Enoch to farewell Queensland Theatre Company in order to take on the role of Festival Director of the Sydney Festival.
- Neil Armfield and Rachel Healy to co-direct Adelaide Festival of Arts from 2017.
- Vanessa Pigrum has been announced as the new Executive Producer of Chunky Move.
- Matt Edgerton has been appointed as Artistic Director of Barking Gecko Theatre Company and will commence at the beginning of August 2015.
- Julian Myers has been elected Chair of the Board of La Boite Theatre Company.
- Chris Kohn has finished up as Executive Producer of Footscray Community Arts Centre in order to pursue freelance creative work.
- Rosemary Hinde has finished as CEO/Executive of Producer Stalker Theatre and Marrugeku to take up a position at the Australia Council while Katherine Budd, former Company Manager, takes on the new role of General Manager.
- Former Northern Territory Chief Minister and Arts Minister Clare Martin is taking the role of Chair, Darwin Festival.
- Ross Beckett has taken over as Chair of Country Arts WA while former Chair Kate Fielding has stepped down to Vice Chair.
- Rhys Holden to finish up as General Manager of La Boite to take up a new role with Michael Cassel Group.
- Belinda Hellyer will step down as Manager of the Honey Pot Program at Adelaide Fringe to commence in the new role of Development Manager at Restless Dance Theatre.
- Dan Koop joins Melbourne Fringe Festival as Producer, Creative Program and Artist Development.
- Sydney Festival has announced its new Board of Directors: Sam Weiss has been appointed Chair and other appointments includeProf. Larissa Behrendt, David Borger, Paddy Carney, Angela Clark, Darren Dale, The Hon. Mrs Ashley Dawson-Damer AM, Diana Eilert and David Kirk.
- General Manager, La Boite Theatre Company. Apps close 22 June.
- Artistic Director, Milk Crate Theatre. Apps close
- Executive and Projects Assistant, Melbourne Festival. Apps close 18 June.
- General Manager, Multicultural Arts Victoria. Apps close 22 Jun.
- Community Arts Project Officer, Mundaring Arts Centre.
- Projects Assistant – Sydney, British Council. Apps close 10 June.
- Grants Administrator & Program Support Officer, Arts SA. Apps close 13 June.
- Executive Director, Arts SA.
- Director – Policy and Programs, Live Performance Australia. Apps close 11 June.
- Business Development Manager, Studio ARTES. Apps close 30 June.
- Production Manager, Perth International Arts Festival. Apps close 14 June.
- Program Officer (English & French Theatre), Canada Council for the Arts. Apps close 18 Jun.
- Director of Arts Granting Programs, Canada Council for the Arts.
- Board of Directors, Dancenorth. Apps close 26 June.
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Compiled by Bethany Simons, Theatre Network Victoria.