The Unlocking Capacity Grants Round 3 is open, and closes Thursday, November 25. Information on key dates, who can apply, and how to apply is found below.
Before applying, you must chat with VIPI Program Producer, Wen-Juenn Lee. Book in a session with Wen-Juenn.
To apply – scroll halfway down the Creative Victoria page, and under ‘Apply Now’, select the stream that you are in. This will take you to the Grants Portal page.
Unlocking Capacity is a stream of the Victorian Independent Producers Initiative (VIPI), delivered in partnership with Creative Victoria, to strengthen the independent performing arts sector by supporting Victorian independent producers and upskilling the artists and organisations who engage their services.
Unlocking Capacity offers producers a multi-year grant of up to $35,000 per annum for up to three years to support targeted skills development activities per producer. The multi-year funding aims to enable producers to “unlock” their capacity, build their skills and networks and develop a sustainable practice.
This program has three streams:
- First Peoples led stream: Applications by Victorian First Peoples producers will be assessed by a First Peoples assessment panel to ensure Aboriginal self-determination.
- Deaf and Disabled led stream: Applications by Victorian deaf and disabled producers will be assessed by an assessment panel of creative industries peers with lived experience of deafness and disability.
- General stream: All other applications will be assessed by a panel made up of a diverse range of industry peers
Applicants will have to determine what stream they are applying to.
Who can apply?
Established Victorian-based independent producers of performing arts who have a minimum three years of experience in independent producing.
At least 50% of your professional time must be dedicated to your independent producing practice and your producing portfolio must comprise of 50% Victorian artists.
We are aware that producing practice may have been impacted due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – please check out the FAQs for more information.
This program encourages applications from producers who identify as First Peoples, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, people living with a disability and regionally-based producers.
Key dates
Round opens: Thursday 4 November 2021
Round closes: 3pm, Thursday 25 November 2021 (but if you can, give yourself a day two before closing date to start your application in the Grants portal. That way, you can reach out if you have any technical issues or questions that we can help you out with!)
For activities commencing from 1 March 2022.
It takes approximately 10 weeks from the closing dates until funding results are available.
How can I apply?
Applications are submitted via the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions Grants Portal.
General information on how to access the Grants Portal, including how to register and FAQ about the Portal, can be found here.
Before applying, please read the guidelines and templates below. Then, book in a time with us to discuss your application, and to run by any questions you might have. Book a one-on-one session with VIPI Program Manager Wen-Juenn Lee. If you have any questions, give us call on 03 9947 1015 or send Wen-Juenn an email at
For any technical questions related to the application process or accessing the DJPR Grants Portal, please contact Chloe Turner on 03 9623 1169 or 1800 134 894 (toll free country Victoria only) or via email at
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity guidelines DOCX, 139.9 KB
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity guidelines (Accessible) DOCX, 54.9 KB
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity Application drafting tool DOCX, 54.1 KB
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity Budget drafting tool XLSX, 58.7 KB
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity Workplan Template DOCX, 31.5 KB
- Information for all applicants – Creative Victoria website
- Unlocking Capacity Panel Assessor List – September 2020 DOCX, 25.1 KB
- VIPI Unlocking Capacity FAQs