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Home News & Media What the Parliamentary Inquiry recommends for arts recovery – Arts Hub
What the Parliamentary Inquiry recommends for arts recovery – Arts Hub

Arts Hub, Gina Fairley
28 October, 2021.

“The bipartisan report – titled Sculpting a National Cultural Plan: Igniting a post-COVID economy for the arts – will provide a pathway to achieving greater recognition of the arts as a major contributor to the social, cultural and economic wealth of Australia.

The plan has been welcomed by Independent think tank A New Approach (ANA), Theatre Network Australia (TNA), APRA AMCOS the music rights body, National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), among other organisations circulating statements today.

ANA CEO Kate Fielding said: ‘This inquiry was diligent in gathering and reviewing evidence to ensure the perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders from right across the country are considered and used to inform the report.’

‘We are particularly pleased that the report demonstrates a bi-partisan valuing of the arts, and bi-partisan support for a national cultural plan … [and] there is no dissenting report. It is a historic moment to have such bi-partisan commitment,’ said Nicole Beyer, TNA Executive Director.”

Read the full article.

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