

Below are a range of resources collected by TNA to assist performing arts organisations and independents. 

Advocacy Resources
Access & Equity Resources
Anti-Racism Resources

There is a fantastic and extensive list of resources created in June 2020 by Marisa Garreffa, Claire Bowen, Elena Carapetis, and Chloe Christos here: Anti-Racism Resources for White People in Australia.


Sustainability Resources
  • Bilya
    A relational map of people, projects, and organisations engaging with the climate emergency.
  • A Climate For Art
    A growing union of arts organisations and workers committed to responding to the climate crisis through tangible action.
  • Green Art Lab Alliance
    A network of art organisations contributing to environmental sustainability through their creative practice.
  • Green Touring
    A range of tools and resources on sustainable arts touring.
  • Creative Carbon Scotland
    An organisation aiming to embed environmental sustainability within the arts and cultural sector in Scotland.
  • Next Mobility Research Book
    A research project on new international mobility and circulation in the post-pandemic era.
  • Market Forces
    Exposes the institutions that are financing environmentally destructive projects and helps Australians hold these institutions accountable.
  • Julie's Bicycle
    A pioneering not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.

Fees, Rates and Working Conditions
  • Fair Work Commission: Live Performance Award
    This Fair Work Commission award outlines scope, minimum rates, allowances, leave entitlements, overtime, breaks and termination.
  • National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA): Code of Practice
    Covers good practice approaches to working relationships, ethical standards of access and inclusion, and payment rates for artists and arts workers in the contemporary arts sector.
  • TNA: Salary Survey Reports
    TNA’s biennial Salary Survey Reports capture the salaries, benefits, professional development budgets, tenure, and representation of small to medium organisations in the performing arts sector.
  • TNA: Independent Practice Reports
    TNA's biennial report on the working trends of independent creatives in the performing arts covers fees for benchmarking purposes, and includes TNA's recommendations on best practice around access and superannuation.
  • Auspicious Arts: Resources
    Includes budget templates, insurance and risk plans, and invoice templates.
  • ATO: Super for Contractors
    Super rate is 11%, and has to be paid regardless of amount of earnings. Contractors with an ABN, including independent artists/arts workers, are entitled to super if paid mainly for their labour.
  • Contracts in Circus Guide Sheet
    Created by TNA in partnership with Arts Law Centre Australia, this guide sheet provides helpful tips and explanations for navigating contracts as an independent circus artist - including plenty of info that is relevant to indies across other performance disciplines too.


Governance and Board Resources
Other Resources