These programs will support circus riggers to meet the critical need of the Victorian sector for qualified and knowledgeable riggers, and work to improve safety in circus rigging across Australia. This follows TNA’s research highlighting rigger shortages and under-qualification.

This initiative has a dedicated Program Producer on the CaPT Team. If you have questions about any of these programs, please email Christian on


Rigging Scholarships NOW CLOSED

In response to the lack of diversity in circus rigging detailed in the 2020 rigging report, TNA is offering scholarships to support two aspiring, Victorian, CaPT riggers to complete a Certificate III in Rigging.

Congratulations to our scholarship recipients: Melissa Tan and Catherine Horan-Blake. Look out for these new riggers as they enter the Circus and Physical Theatre Industry!

Advanced and Regional riggers upgrade program 

Rigging upgrade program NOW CLOSED.

TNA is supporting Rigging Upgrades for Victorian Riggers, this initiative is for experienced Intermediate Riggers looking to Upgrade to Advanced and Riggers living Regionally with limited access to Government funded Initiatives.

Victorian government Funded Rigging Courses.

Victorian Government funded free and heavily subsidised High-Risk Work Licenses which can be used to rig Circus and Physical Theatre back in 2024!

Read the full update from our program producer Christian here!

Through TNA's ongoing consultation and following the 2020 Rigging Report, it is clear that there are key pressure-points currently impacting the CaPT sector with regard to rigging and safety. These include:

  • Lack of dedicated circus-rigging training:
    • 94% think there is a need for a circus industry-based certificate to demonstrate that a Rigger has circus-based competency
    • 89% of all respondents feel that there is currently a lack of trained circus-specific riggers
    • 83% of riggers would like to undertake industry-specific training
  • Lack of clarity, consistency and accountability in circus safety:
    • Survey responses indicate a clear demand for a CaPT-specific, defined, industry standard for rigging and safety.  
    • However, there are concerns as to who would be the provider of such a certification, and how the monitoring of this industry standard would happen.

Over 2023-24, TNA's Rigging Program Producer will consult with sector experts and industry bodies to:

  • Drive establishment of a circus-specific training course
  • Set up an Australian Circus Riggers Network & Circus Riggers Database
  • Investigate development of National Standards for Circus Rigging & Safety