
Current Programs

Australian Performing Arts Forum

The Australian Performing Arts Forum (formerly Australian Theatre Forum), run by TNA, is a landmark meeting place for Australian performing arts industry professionals. Held in different locations around the country, this biennial event strengthens theatre as an art form by addressing current issues regarding policy and practice, sharing knowledge and view points, and cultivating fresh ideas that will, in turn, enrich Australian art, culture and society.


LeaderShift is an intervention that supports organisations to examine their leadership and business models, investigate more relevant models, and make a commitment to implementing changes that prioritise equity and cultural safety. It supports leaders from diverse backgrounds to thrive within systems that may not be designed to accommodate them, and offers them the inspiration, tools, and peer support to think about how to reinvent these systems.

CaPT Independent Producers Initiative (CIPI)

This initiative supports Circus and Physical Theatre independent producers across Australia who work with artists in and from Victoria. It will increase the size and the diversity of the CaPT producing pool and includes two of the three core components: the Emerging Producers Lab, Salon Series, and a program of peer coaching sessions for artists.

Circus and Physical Theatre

TNA works with the Australian Circus and Physical Theatre (CaPT) community to contribute to the development of a diverse, thriving, and sustainable sector. Our aspiration for the sector is for it to be recognised and supported by three tiers of government, presenters, programmers, and audiences alike.

Arts with/for/by Young People

TNA represents and promotes Australia in the ASSITEJ global network and facilitates international and national opportunities for our sector. ASSITEJ is a French acronym translating to the Association of theatre for children and young people.


TNA is proud to offer and support a range of sector awards. Current awards offered include the Smash Indie Bursary (National), Green Room Awards Sponsorships, and Melbourne Fringe Awards (Victorian).

Past Programs

Victorian Independent Producers Initiative (VIPI)

The Victorian Independent Producers Initiative (VIPI) supported independent producers, and through them, independent artists and companies in the performing arts in Victoria. VIPI included the Producers Mentoring Program, Unlocking Capacity grants, as well as a range of professional development activities.

Indie Support

TNA supported a range of ongoing and developing programs for independent artists. Across 2020-2021 this included the Crisis Cash program, which provided $1,000 bursaries to 366 artists.

Safe Theatres

TNA partnered with Safe Theatres Australia to strengthen and build greater resilience in the performing arts sector through safe workplaces. 

Power Play

A paid strategic leadership program that developed and supported independents in the performing arts. Power Play provided participants with broader arts sector understanding, access to decision makers, specialised training and experience, community insight, and advice from leaders.

Creating Out Loud

Creating Out Loud is a peer learning program that provides a framework to rethink current practices, extend and deepen professional networks, both within and beyond the arts and culture sector, and provides an opportunity to support each other through knowledge-sharing, goal setting, and collaboration.