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Circus and Physical Theatre
Circus & Physical Theatre (CaPT) – December News

This December 2018 CaPT News includes National updates on the sector.

28 Dec – ‘Leg Up’ Artist Residency with Legs on the Wall, Sydney NSW
Leg Up is a professional development opportunity with the potential of future work with Legs on the Wall. The program will be made up of a small group of artists and will run over a 12-month term, starting Jan 2019. Please note this is an unpaid opportunity. EOIs close 28 Dec 2018.

Circus & Beyond: Arts Workers Forum in Sydney, Jan 2019 – FREE
This annual two and a half day event brings together the professional and youth circus sectors for discussion, debate, provocation and collaboration. Join the gatherings from 13 – 15 Jan 2019, as part of Sydney Festival. Find out more.

Jan 6 – Women’s Circus – Apply now for 2019 Artist Residencies and Production Mentorships
Opportunities for women identifying artists working in circus/performance/physical theatre: ‘A Room of One’s Own’ residency offers 2-weeks access to the Drill Hall in West Footscray. | ‘Still I Rise’ supports the development of a new work in the West as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Applications close 6 Jan 2019. More info here.

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Circus and Physical Theatre

Circus and Physical Theatre