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Arts House & TNV’s Peer Learning Program 2015

Arts House and Theatre Network (Vic) are pleased to announce a new Peer Learning program, consisting of three Peer Learning Circles, each meeting for four sessions. Up to 15 participants per circle were selected via an EOI process in April 2015.


A peer learning circle is a technique used to facilitate individual and collective learning and can be defined as a “group of people who form an articulated, formal, sustained partnership around a topic of common interest.” (Erklenz-Watts et al 2006). While the Peer Circles are facilitated, they are largely self-directed, providing a collegiate and safe environment for sharing issues, ideas, and plans.

The Peer Learning Program is open to artists or arts workers who have worked, or who plan to work, in the City of Melbourne. We will prioritise independent artists, as well as people with a disability, those from a Culturally Diverse background, and those who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. We encourage all attendees to become a member of Theatre Network (Vic). You must be able to attend all of the sessions as scheduled below.

There are three circles, each meeting for four sessions. You can apply to more than one circle, but will be chosen to join just one. The first session of each circle will include a brief presentation and workshop on environmentally sustainable arts practice by Arts House Greenie in Residence, Matt Wicking. The circles will all be held at Arts House, North Melbourne Town Hall.

  • Circle 1. Sustaining the Sector: new landscape, new leadership.
    Peer support, collaborations and partnerships will be critical to sustaining the sector into the future. What does artistic resilience and leadership look like in the new funding landscape?
    DATES: 3.30 to 5pm: Wed 29 April, Wed 27 May, Wed 24 June and Wed 29 July.
  • Circle 2. New Gen Theatre.
    Youth theatre and emerging artists are often seen as distinct sectors. What are the shared challenges and opportunities in youth theatre and emerging theatre practice? How do we break down the silos? Should we?
    DATES: 3.30 to 5pm: Wed 13 May, Wed 17 June, Wed 15 July and Wed 12 August.
  • Circle 3. The Creative Case for Cultural Diversity in the performing arts. What structures, frameworks, processes best support the development of the cultural diversity of artistic practice?
    DATES: 3.30 to 5pm Tues 19 May, Tues 23 Jun, Tues 21 July and Tues 18 August.

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