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Circus and Physical Theatre
TNA CaPT Bulletin – July 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you are staying safe and well in these times. 

Across the states, our CaPT colleagues are at various stages of re-opening and we understand the need for clear guidelines and protocol, especially since restrictions and requirements differ from state to state. We also understand that the work of Circus and Physical Theatre practitioners and organisations spreads across the performing arts, education and sports. 

We want to bring to your attention re-opening and cleaning resources from Ausdance, Gymnastics Australia and Circa as reference material, in order for you to best adapt to your work settings. Read on below to access these resources. 

In the meantime, please take care and get in touch if you’re feeling overwhelmed and need support navigating the sector through these times. 

Jamie Lewis and the TNA Team: Nicole, Simone, Tessa, Rani and Yuhui
Theatre Network Australia

1000 x 1000: Crisis Cash for Artists – Requests for Support – Extending eligibility to include Independent Producers and Production Crew in the performing arts
As of 13 Jul, we have reviewed the campaign, and are now in a position to extend requests for support to Independent Producers and Production Crew in the performing arts. Independent artists / production crew / producers in the performing arts who have been severely impacted by COVID-19 may apply for one-off emergency payments of $1,000. Simple EOI process.

The Circus Arts Hub
Join in a series of online panel discussions over a wide range of topics with national and international artists, practitioners, producers and presenters. More information here.  

Circa ‘Producing Heroes’ Podcast
A podcast featuring interviews with creative producers. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Opportunities
TNA’s monthly E-news continues to feature COVID-19 information, resources and opportunities. | Australian Arts Amidst COVID-19 and Australian Circus and COVID-19 are places to ask questions and share ideas. | TNA has compiled resources on re-opening for the performing arts sector here including Circa’s Covid Safe Plan.

Ausdance VIC Re-Opening Resources for the Dance Sector
Read Managing COVID-19: Recommendations for the VIC dance sector and resources on cleaning of studio floors and equipment.

Gymnastics Australia Club Surface and Equipment Cleaning Guidelines
Read Gymnastics Australia’s Rebooting Gymnastics resources, including guidelines to cleaning of surfaces and training equipment.

It has been a challenging couple of weeks with COVID-19 numbers rising in Victoria and New South Wales, multiple borders shutting, Stage 3 restrictions being reintroduced in Melbourne and venues once again announcing temporary closures. We understand that this may bring a renewed sense of uncertainty and anxiety for many peers and colleagues. Please prioritise your health and wellbeing, check in with one another, and do not hesitate to seek help. If you require immediate mental health support, phone Lifeline 131141 or Support Act 1800 959 500

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