Key Dates and Summary of our work
It’s all happening here at TNV! At the moment, our work is largely focussed on the upcoming Creative Victoria submissions and Senate Inquiry. This valuable work requires effort on the part of many. In order to best represent you, we’re calling for your feedback, creative ideas and precious time over the coming weeks. Here is a summary of key dates and items to keep in mind:
Sat 11 July – #FreeTheArts: public forum and action in Melbourne
Fri 17 July – Senate Inquiry: deadline for submissions to the Ministry
Fri 17 July – Creative Victoria Strategy: sector-wide consultation closes (It’s very important and super easy to have your say this week!)
Fri 31 July – National Program for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA): guideline feedback due
(As you read through this eNews, please look out for ways to get involved in each of these items).
TNV Advocacy Survey – Tell us what you did in 2014 and how the funding cuts will affect you
We’ve put together a simple one page survey to get a sense of your achievements in 2014 and the impact the proposed funding cuts will have on your artistic practice. Whether you’re a company or an individual, we need your statistics in order to advocate on your behalf. The more responses, the stronger our case, so please fill out the survey today!
31 Jul – Guideline feedback for Brandis’ National Program for Excellence in the Arts due
The draft guidelines for Arts Minister Brandis’ proposed National Program for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA) are now available to read online. The Ministry is welcoming feedback from the sector, so we encourage each of you to please read over the guidelines and submit your feedback before the Friday 31 July deadline. Read the NPEA guidelines here.
17 Jul – Senate Inquiry Submissions – Have Your Say before next Friday!
TNV is preparing a submission to the Senate Inquiry on behalf of our members, but we also need all of you to write an individual submission outlining the impact of the recent budget decisions on our sector – the submission deadline is Friday 17 July 2015 and all the information can be found here. Need some help? The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) have released a ‘How To Make A Submission’ toolkit and The Arts Industry Council Vic (AICV) have published a summary of the submission process here.
NPEA and Senate Inquiry – Wrap up of ArtsPeak and Free The Arts meetings in Sydney
In Sydney on Friday 3 July, TNV joined twenty members of ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts orgs, of which TNV is co-convenor) and met with CEOs of the Australia Council and the federal Ministry for the Arts to discuss the draft guidelines for the National Program for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA). Read the ArtsPeak press release. Also in Sydney on Thursday 2 July, hundreds of artists, companies and community members gathered for a series of industry meetings organised as part of the #freethearts campaign responding to the cuts to Australia Council funding. Read the press release and meeting notes.
24 Jul – Travel Support for the Performing Arts Exchange
Creative Victoria are offering travel bursaries for those attending the Performing Arts Exchange at the 2015 APACA conference, ‘Mobilise’, in Sydney from 17th – 20th August. Individual bursaries of $596 will be awarded to 20 Victorian producers and performance-makers. If you have registered to attend the Performing Arts Exchange, are from a Victorian arts organisation, or an individual from Victoria that has a history of presenting professional performing arts product, you are eligible for the bursary. The application process is quick and easy. Apply here by COB Friday 24 July.
22-23 July – Industry Forum at the 2015 National Play Festival, Adelaide Festival Centre.
Held on the first two mornings of the National Play Festival (22 – 25 July), the Industry Forum (22 – 23 July) will facilitate a national conversation about new writing in the Australian theatre over two days of interrogation, exploration and action-planning. This year’s provocation is ‘Upping the ante: how do we create a new writing utopia?’. Industry Pass holders gain pre-paid entry to all National Play Festival performances, industry sessions and special events. Register here.
2015 Helpmann Awards – Nominations
Congratulations to all of the 2015 Helpmann Award nominees. Presented by Live Performance Australia, this year’s awards ceremony will be held on Monday 27 July at the Capitol Theatre, Sydney. View the full list of nominees here.
#FreeTheArts – Melbourne Action this Saturday 11 July, Fortyfive Downstairs
Join artists from around the country for a forum and action in Melbourne this Saturday 11 July to fight back against the Brandis attacks on artistic freedom. Hear from panel members Van Badham, Richard Watts, Jade Lillie and Rachael Maza at Fortyfive Downstairs from 4.30pm and gather outside on Flinders Lane at 6pm to march along Swanston Street to the Arts Centre. Event info.
17 Jul – Creative Victoria Strategy – Only 8 days left to have your say!
The sector-wide consultation process for the Creative Victoria Strategy will close next Friday 17 July. TNV is concerned that there has been a lack of representation from independent artists. Please take a moment to engage online or make a submission. If you’re not sure what to write, TNV has put together a cheat sheet in response to the discussion paper, or you can simply post your ideas online using the Creative Victoria Strategy board. It’s easy! Just think about what’s important to you: Fellowships, affordable space, risk-taking? See what other people are saying here.
15 Jul – Darebin Arts Development and Presentation Programs – Applications close
Applications are open to companies and artists who are keen to develop and present work as part of the 2016 Darebin Arts program including the Speakeasy program at the Northcote Town Hall, as well as development opportunities for works across the whole of Darebin. Applications are open to everyone and will close on Wednesday July 15th. Development Program | Presentation Program
28 Jul – Melbourne Fringe Forum: Business Partnerships and Building Your Networks – FREE
The next in the Fringe Forum series will look at ways to build your networks and form business partnerships. Learn how to take your artistic practice to the next level, meet other artists and get face-to-face advice from experienced professionals from Theatre Network Victoria, Creative Partnerships Australia and Auspicious Arts Incubator. Note that you do not have to be participating in the Festival to attend. All artists and producers are welcome. RSVP here | More info.
13 Aug – City of Melbourne Forum: ‘The Future of Art in Melbourne‘ – FREE
Join some of Melbourne’s leading thinkers, artists and producers for an interactive forum exploring opportunities and challenges for the arts in our city. Hosted by Nelly Thomas with guests including Ben Eltham, Fiona Tuomy, Christian Thompson, Tony Yap, Sophia Brous and more, the forum will be held in the Supper Room, Melbourne Town Hall from 6.30pm on Thursday 13 August. Free event, bookings essential. Register here.
6-9 Sep – Open Call for TippingPoint Australia Spring Lab, Daylesford VIC
TippingPoint Australia is holding a 4-day creative laboratory for a small group of artists, scientists, and others in Daylesford from 6 – 9 September. Participants will consider new approaches to art, activism, science and communication in response to climate change. Successful applicants will receive an honorarium, transport, camp-style accommodation and home cooked meals. Apply before 9am Monday 13 July. More info here.
Have you ever had a near death experience? Back to Back Theatre wants to hear from you!
Back to Back Theatre is researching near death experiences as part of a creative development for a new major work. You will need to volunteer thirty minutes of your time to share your story with the Director over the coming weeks. Meetings can be held in Geelong, Melbourne or online. For more information email Tamara:
21 Aug – Call for 2016 ISPA Awards Nominations
The International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) is now accepting nominations for the 2016 ISPA Awards to be presented at the 2016 ISPA Congress in New York City, 12 – 14 January. Nominations are due by Friday 21 August, 2015. ISPA Award info | Make a nomination
28 Aug – IETM Asian Satellite Meeting in Gwangju & Caravan in Seoul, 7 – 12 Sep 2015
IETM – the international network for contemporary performing arts – will hold Satellite Meetings in South Korea this September. Asian contemporary culture remains an attractive domain as well as a source of enrichment, inspiration and far-reaching connections. Attend the IETM Asia Satellite in Gwangju (7-9 Sept), and experience the local world of cutting edge performing arts at the Caravan in Seoul (10-12 Sept). Apps close 28 Aug 2015. Read more here.
1 Dec – ELIA Leadership Symposium in Cape Town, South Africa
The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) Leadership Symposium: DOMINANCE // DIVERSITY // DISRUPTION will take place in Cape Town, South Africa from 1 – 4 December 2015. Hosted by the African Arts Institute, the symposium brings together influential leaders from higher arts education institutions and universities across the globe for an important and timely discussion on current issues in leadership in higher arts education. About the Symposium | Registration info
- Matthew Lutton announced as Artistic Director of Malthouse Theatre.
- Maureen Wheeler AO has been appointed President of the Melbourne Festival Board.
- La Boite Theatre Company CEO have appointed Katherine Hoepper as General Manager.
- Simeon Moran has finished up as Executive Producer of Snuff Puppets and commenced as Executive Producer of ILBIJERRI Theatre Company.
- Greg Diamantis has departed Lighthouse Theatre to take up a post at Melbourne Recital Centre.
- Adelaide Fringe has appointed Julianne Pierce as Creative Producer.
- Jayne Lovelock finishes as Senior Coordinator, Corporate Partnerships at NGV to take up the role of Development
- Manager at Malthouse Theatre.
- Andy Howitt has finished up as the Director & CEO of Ausdance Victoria.
- Sheah Sutton has taken the role of Executive Producer at Snuff Puppets.
- Marshall Maguire has moved from Music Programmer at Arts Centre Melbourne to be Head of Artistic Planning at the Melbourne Recital Centre.
- Melanie Smith has been appointed as Executive Performing Arts at Arts Centre Melbourne.
- Ali McGregor and Eddie Perfect have been appointed as co-Artistic Directors of the Adelaide Cabaret Festival for 2016 and 2017.
- The team at Abbotsford Convent farewells Jennifer Jennings and welcomes Emily Simmons as Program Manager.
- Tamara Harrison finishes as Executive Producer at Polyglot to take the role of Head of Development at ACMI.
- Artistic Director/Theatre Co-ordinator, UHT – University of Melbourne. Apps close 10 July.
- Executive Producer, Polyglot Theatre. Apps close 17 July.
- Service Manager, Lighthouse Theatre. Apps close 17 July.
- Marketing Manager, Belvoir. Apps close 17 July.
- General Manager, The Last Great Hunt. Apps close 20 July.
- Senior Lecturer – Performance, WAAPA. Apps close 1 August.
- Artistic Director, Queensland Theatre Company. Apps close 3 August.
- Programming Associate, Sydney Festival. Apps close 20 July.
- Programming Manager/Senior Producer, Queensland Theatre Company. Apps close 3 August.
- Manager Government Relations, Australia Council for the Arts. Apps close 15 July.
- Company Manager, Snuff Puppets. Apps close 17 July.
- Theatre Manager, Cummins Theatre, WA. Apps close 31 July.
- Theatre and Technical Manager, Dancenorth. Email
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Stay in the loop! Sign up for the TNV E-News here.
Compiled by Bethany Simons, Theatre Network Victoria.