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Home News & Media Building an arts-specific peer coaching system – Arts Hub
Building an arts-specific peer coaching system – Arts Hub

Arts Hub, Jason Blake
6 September 2022

Creating Out Loud is a new, free-to-use peer coaching program tailored to the needs of the Australian arts industry. It has been developed at Queensland University by Dr Kate Power, a specialist in the evaluation of the ways in which organisations communicate their ideas and value externally.

Theatre Network Australia’s involvement with the project spanned two years, says Nicole Beyer, TNA’s Executive Director. ‘It’s an area we’re very interested in. Talking with your peers and learning from each other is something we’ve always valued,’ Beyer tells ArtsHub.

‘You don’t always need experts and a lot of the time your peers can help you articulate your own thoughts much better.’   
Nicole Beyer, TNA Executive Director

Create Out Loud’s guides have been rigorously assessed for accessibility and their incorporation of First Nations perspectives and don’t have to be followed to the letter, Beyer adds. ‘They are a great way to formalise a process, a way to structure conversations that people are already having. Organisations will use them, but it will be really interesting so see how they’re adopted by independent artists, people who pick them up off their own bat and self-facilitate.’

Click here to read the full article.

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