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Home News & Media CIPI Emerging Producers Lab EOIs Now Open
Circus and Physical Theatre
CIPI Emerging Producers Lab EOIs Now Open

Expressions of Interest for the Emerging Producers Lab program for 2023-24 are now open!

The Emerging Producers Lab will support four emerging independent producers of Circus and Physical Theatre, facilitating their professional development and capacity to work with Victorian CaPT artists and organisations.

The Lab will consist of ten professional development workshops, bespoke to the most urgent needs, skills and conversations that the participants have identified. In addition to these monthly group sessions, participants will be supported to work on their own producing practice over the 12 months.

Apply Now

Applicants are invited to submit their Expressions of Interest by Monday 30th January 2023.

To apply, go to the Emerging Producers Lab page.
More information, eligibility criteria, and FAQ can also be found there.

We strongly encourage producers who are First Peoples, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, people of colour, Deaf people, people living with a disability, and people based regionally to apply.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

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Circus and Physical Theatre

Circus and Physical Theatre