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Home News & Media CIPI Salon Event : Be a Peer Assessor for a Day!
Circus and Physical Theatre
CIPI Salon Event : Be a Peer Assessor for a Day!

FREE Grant-Writing Workshop for CaPT Producers/Artists

*Thursday 7th December 11am – 1:30pm*

Ever wondered what happens to your grant application once you hit submit? 

We are shaking things up in this free grant writing workshop for Circus and Physical Theatre artists and producers. We’ll be approaching grant writing from the perspective of the panel of peer assessors to gain insight into what makes a strong grant application. 

Participants will judge three example applications against funding criteria in a mock peer assessing format and then discuss what makes some applications stand out from the pack.  

Incorporating the insights of circus professionals who have previously assessed funding application rounds, this workshop will look at grant writing from a different angle focusing on structure and signposting, how to address the selection criteria, and using your budget to say more than numbers. 

The session will run for 2 and half hours as follows: 

Time  What 
11:00  Welcome and introduction to peer assessing 
11:25 Be a peer assessor today – how to assess the example applications (criteria, scoring etc) 
11:35  Assessing time (3 example applications) 
12:20   Lunch break (catered lunch is provided) 

Tally scores 

12:40 Facilitated discussion – Which applications did well and what can we learn from them 


1:20 How to apply to become a peer assessor 
1:30  Finish 

Join us for this workshop on Thursday 7th December from 11am AEDT at the TNA office in Southbank.

This is an in-person workshop and therefore spots are limited. Lunch will be provided. 

To register for the event, please fill out the registration here or email and we will confirm via email if you have a place. If you can no longer make it, please let us know as soon as possible so someone else can take your spot.   

The workshop is aimed at people who have applied for at least 1 grant application or have some familiarity with grant applications, however please feel free to apply if you think it will still be useful to your practice. If you are unsure, you can email Charice for more info.

If you have access needs or live regionally and would like to attend the workshop, or have any other enquiries, please contact CIPI Program Producer Charice, at 

The CIPI Salon Series are professional development sessions, networking and peer learning to support the independent Circus and Physical Theatre sector. 

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Circus and Physical Theatre

Circus and Physical Theatre

Circus and Physical Theatre