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Circus and Physical Theatre
Circus & Physical Theatre (CaPT) – July News

This July 208 CaPT News includes National updates on the sector.

TNA CaPT Advisory Group
TNA held the second CaPT advisory group meeting this month, reviewing the list of identified sector issues from the Circus Industry Forum, and digging deep into some of those. Read the recent bulletin here.

Circus Artists and Arts Workers on Peer Panels – Register yourself now! 
We encourage our circus colleagues to consider being a peer for the Australia Council for the Arts and other state-based registers. Building a strong and diverse pool of CaPT practitioners demonstrates the value of this artform. Read about peer assessing in our June CaPT bulletin.

TNA Indie Survey Report
In April, we also released the Indie Survey Report, ‘THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: Working trends of independent artists, creatives, and arts workers’. Read the report here. “In circus there is so often someone willing to do it for less. It’s like a race to the bottom but completely unsustainable.” – Mid-Career Urban Circus Performer.

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Circus and Physical Theatre

Circus and Physical Theatre