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Pre-budget Submission for the 2020-21 Federal Budget
TNA has submitted a Pre-Budget submission towards the 2020-21 federal budget.


Our top priority was to call for the urgent investment of $7million per annum to the Australia Council to ensure that a similar number of organisations (124) can be funded once the outcomes of the Four Year Funding process are known in late March. This request was made as a part of our ongoing call for increased funding to the Australia Council of $25million per year.



Other peak bodies have supported this request, with the State Chamber and Industry bodies for Arts and Creative Industries submitting a joint submission also including the call for the $7million per annum (as part of larger bids).


TNA continues to work collaboratively with eight other national performing arts peak bodies (see below), and we all submitted shared messages developed over the last 12 months. TNA’s submission included the following summary:


A) A four-year investment in the National Indigenous Arts and Cultural Authority (NIACA): $4.5million over 4 years.


B) An urgent investment in the Australia Council for the Arts of $25million p/a over the next four years: $100million over 4 years. This include the $7million p/a needed for Four Year organisations.


C) A commitment to Consumer Price Index adjustments to federal arts funding, and for the removal of the efficiency dividend on Australia Council funding, to ensure the stability and growth of the arts industry: CPI indexation.


D) A strengthening of regional access to the arts and opportunities for regional companies and artists, of $5 million p.a. over 4 years for regional access and engagement, along with a commitment of funds to fulfil outcomes of the current Touring Scan as commissioned by the Meeting of Cultural Ministers in late 2019: $20million over 4 years and amount TBC for MCM touring scan recommendations.


Performing Arts Peak Bodies: Ausdance National, Australian Major Performing Arts Group, BlakDance, Live Performance Australia, Music Australia, Symphony Services Australia, Performing Arts Connections Australia, Regional Arts Australia.

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