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Home News & Media TNA CaPT Sector Gathering Wrap Up
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TNA CaPT Sector Gathering Wrap Up

TNA CaPT Sector Gathering
Monday 15 October 2018
The Melba Spiegeltent

As part of Sidesault at the Melba, TNA gathered over 60 artists and colleagues at the Circus and Physical Theatre gathering to catch up on national updates, discuss CaPT Sector issues and contribute towards future visions for the sector.

We asked our colleagues to prepare a 3-minute firecracker update, and to cap it off with their thoughts on an achievable sector change in the next 12 months. This then fed into small group discussions. These discussions continue to inform TNA’s work with regards to the CaPT Strategy, and we encourage the sector to stay in contact be it directly with us at TNA, the CaPT Advisory Group, or through our monthly enews.



TNA CaPT Update – Nicole Beyer, TNA Executive Director

Bursary award winners – Marina Gellman and Lisa Goldworth from South Australia
The bursary came from a $10 fee to attend the Circus and Physical Theatre Grant Writing workshop earlier in the day, made possible by Auspicious Arts Projects and TNA.

Firecracker updates

Small Group Discussions

What’s one achievable sector change in the coming year?

Key topics

  • Better support for the independent and small to medium sector.
  • Strong youth voices in the room at sector gatherings.
  • Diversity in leadership positions.
  • Cross-sector collaboration and conversation.
  • Pooling resources within the sector in touring, policies etc. Visit the TNA website library!
  • Training institutions to identify gaps in professional development of Circus practitioners.
  • Inclusive circus and substantive access considerations.
  • De-stigmatisation of mental health in the sector.
  • Freeing the data so artists have the rights to contact audiences.
  • Stronger sense of contemporary circus history in Australia.
  • Upgrading of skills and cultural protocols especially in Social Circus.
  • Professional development for independent and early career practitioners
  • Gender equality

Tangible actions the sector can undertake:

  • Invite an independent circus practitioner to attend the next gathering.
  • Bring a group of young people to the next gathering.
  • Speak to your local council about grants and opportunities.

Updates from TNA’s work in the CaPT Sector:

  • Melbourne Fringe Best Emerging Circus Performer awarded to Harley Mann of Dajinang Circus with Social Staples. Harley will receive a year’s membership, and mentoring from TNA team.
  • Safe Theatres – supporting the work across the performing arts sector.
  • Continue discussions with NICA and Advisory group on developing an industry-specific rigging certification.
  • Continue work on getting more Circus practitioners on peer panels at all funding agencies. TNA is also collecting data on the success rate of circus applications to inform our ongoing advocacy work in the area of funding of Circus projects.
  • VIC State Election – Contact Members and read AICV’s statement
    In the lead up to the State election in November, we encourage you to contact your local member. Search your district and member contact details Read Arts Industry Council of Victoria (AICV)’s election statement here.

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Circus and Physical Theatre