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Home News & Media Nominations due for ASSITEJ Executive Committee 2017-2020
Nominations due for ASSITEJ Executive Committee 2017-2020

Now Calling for Nominations for Australia’s position on the ASSITEJ Executive Committee 2017-2020. EOIs are due on February 13, so we can nominate our candidate by 17th February.

Our current representative is Sue Giles who has been in the role for this current term. Sue will be nominating to stand again for a further term, but we are keen to see if there are any other nominations from the sector.

We would like nominations to be received by Monday 13th February. If there is more than one nomination, the Theatre Network Australia board will make the final selection at its board meeting on 14th February (as per the ASSITEJ constitution).

The Executive Committee is composed of a maximum of fifteen (15) members – committee members are elected by National Centres or professional networks, not individual members.

The role of the Executive Committee is as follows:

“10.3.6 The Executive Committee will submit a working plan of activities to the General Assembly. It manages the affairs of the Association between the meetings of the General Assembly and carries out the decisions of the General Assembly. The Executive Committee will remain in office for the period between one General Assembly and the next, which will be three years or thereabouts, at which time its members shall be eligible for re-election.” Page 76, ASSITEJ Constitution, ASSITEJ HANDBOOK.

The World Congress and Festival (or Global Gathering) is the premiere meeting of all members of ASSITEJ, and happens every three years. The General Assembly occurs at the Congress.

Executive Committee Members are expected to:

  • Attend the Executive Meetings, which are constitutionally held at least once per year, but are usually held at least twice. The meetings run for approximately a week.
  • Be an active part of the Executive Committee working groups to advance the mission of ASSITEJ.
  • You must fund your own travel, accommodation and costs while attending the meetings. At this stage, TNA has no dedicated funding for travel. We have raised the National Centre membership fee (750 = AUD$1000) from funded TNA members.

What we need from you:

As a representative of the Australian sector, you are expected to have a deep and broad understanding of the Australian TYA and Youth Theatre sector, have some experience with governance and working on a board, and have the capacity to work with TNA to regularly communicate ASSITEJ opportunities and outcomes to the sector, and to represent and promote the sector internationally. You need to be able to source funding to support your travel. While we can assist with this, we are unable to seek funding from the Australia Council as a four-year funded organisation.

You must be a paid up member of Theatre Network Australia.

Please write a short 200 word expression of interest addressing your experience and capacity to undertake the role, and send to me at

Your expression of interest will be kept in confidence.

EOIs are due by Monday 13th February, 5pm ESDT


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