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TNA’s Salary Survey Report 2021

TNA is very pleased to release our Salary Survey Report 2021 for Not-for-Profit Small to Medium Arts Organisations.

The Salary Salary Report captures the salaries, benefits, professional development budgets, tenure, and representation of small to medium organisations in the performing arts sector. In addition to benchmarking, it advocates for remuneration that is in line with similar roles in other sectors.

The 2021 Report garnered 87 valid responses and it is the seventh time this survey has been conducted by TNA. Click here to see Reports from previous years.

This year’s Report found that the salaries of all surveyed roles has increased since 2019. Average salaries of General Managers/Executive Producers increased 7% to $87,492, and Artistic Directors increased 5% to $86,309.

Download the Report here:
TNA Salary Survey Report 2021 [PDF]
TNA Salary Survey Report 2021 [Word]

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