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Home News & Media TNA’s Creative State Submission
TNA’s Creative State Submission

Last month the Victorian Government opened a public consultation process for the state’s next creative industries strategy, Creative State “3”, which will guide investment for the three years between 2025-28. Anyone is invited to complete the survey, make a submission in response to the discussion paper, or both. The process closes 26 Aug.

TNA was pleased to see some concrete acknowledgement in the discussion paper from the Government of what the realities are for the sector right now, and the challenges we face. We are particularly encouraged by their commitment to supporting First Nations, d/Deaf and disabled, culturally diverse, and regional artists, as well as opportunities for children and young people.

TNA has been working for the last six months to consult the sector, consider government priorities, pull together research, and identify the most viable recommendations for Creative State that will support the performing arts sector. This has informed the submission we have made to the Victorian Government on behalf of our members and the performing arts sector.

Read TNA’s full submission.

Our key messages include:

  • Victorian Art on Victorian Stages for Global Audiences 
  • Driving Social Change through Arts and Government Synergy 
  • Leadership for Tomorrow: Building Skills to Propel the Arts Forward 
  • Prioritise arts access and engagement for Children and Young People as Cultural Citizens

TNA will continue to advocate for the performing arts sector throughout the Creative State development process.

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